Would you like to:

  • Live a life of adventure and inspiration and show your kids what is possible?
  • Live your dreams NOW and stop waiting for "some day"?
  • See more of the world with your kids and do it NOW, before they grow up?
  • Show your kids how to follow their passions and help them to reignite their passion for learning?
  • Teach your kids that they can live a life they love?
  • Spend more time with your kids and live a life without regrets?

In this self-paced online course, you'll get an in-depth understanding of what worldschooling is and gain the confidence to make plans for your own incredible worldschooling adventure.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • What a Worldschooling lifestyle really looks like.

  • Why regular families are choosing to educate through travel instead of traditional schooling.

  • How to create an incredible lifestyle with your children and enjoy your time with them before they grow up.

  • How you can travel the world full or part-time, for less money than you're currently spending to live a "normal" life.

  • The most popular ways to fund your travels and work remotely from anywhere in the world.

This mini-course is for you if you:

  • Want more out of life

  • Are tired of living a groundhog day type existence

  • Want to enjoy every moment you can with your children

  • Want to live every day to the fullest

  • Want to help your children reach their full potential and help them follow their dreams

  • Want to create an incredible family relationship and memories that will last a lifetime

Just $37 $7

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